Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rio Grande Half Marathon

Well this fine Sunday morning I woke up at 5 am turned on the TV and watched the weather..... It was 79 degrees at 5 am holy crap. It figures right the one day I need to run an event it its hot before the sun comes up LMAO. Well we get down to the start and I meet up with other member of the Albuquerque Road Runners, we all chat about our hopes for the day and then we move to the start line. The gun goes off and were off running. I am trying Gu Chomps today to work out a fueling strategy for the Marathon. It works rather well which is a good thing lol. I ran a new PR today of 2:01:47 at altitude. Woo Hoo!!!! So 63 more days and counting. Tune in for more later!

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