Saturday, July 31, 2010

Long run day!

Today was a long run day down by the river. I had to walk 2 times during the run today. I think the heat and the rare humidity we have got to me. I had plenty of water with me but I still scummed to the heat lol. I also have been trying different energy supplements so I can refuel during my marathon in 78 days. I cant tell you from the bottom of my stomach that honey almond butter is not one I will use lol. I believe the GU Chomps will be the best its just like gummy bears lol. But back to the long run...... I completed 16.5 miles in 3 hours not to shabby if I do say so myself. More blogs to come........... lol.

Friday, July 30, 2010

79 days and counting

So the count down goes on lol. Last night was an easy run, just a recovery run to keep loose. Tonight were going out for pasta and tomorrow I have a 2:55 min run. I still need to raise over 500 bucks I hope I get there :o(

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Tonight was a upper body workout at the gym. Feeling good just had my dinner and now chilaxing

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Training moves on

Good run tonight a progression run trying to get my heart rate up was hard, I can tell my cardio is getting even better because I have to push really hard to get my heart rate up

Monday, July 26, 2010

Training and the count down goes on!

I had a nice massage yesterday I feel it is really helping my training. Tonight I had a nice training run 3.01 miles, was very humid in the gym tonight but empty. I love it when it is empty!! 83 more days till the marathon on 10/17. I have changed my diet a bit, changed up my breakfast from fish and fruit to flax waffles fruit and eggs adding in a banana and almond butter as a pre run / workout snack adding about 500 calories to my diet brining it up to 2250 calories a day. Could be that I was not eating enough but we shall see how this experiment will work out!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Work out

Spent a few hours in the gym on full body conditioning. Tomorrow will strart the runs for the week. Keep on counting down.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The count down

I have 84 days till I run my first marathon. I started running may 2008 and could barely finish a 5k, but this morning I ran 15.5 miles so I am well on my way. I will be running the Duke City Marathon 10/17/2010.