Thursday, September 30, 2010

Getting closer

Tonight was the last run of September!!! It was an interval run. A nice small run nothing major. Looking forward to going out for Chiness food tomorrow night andthen a nice long run on Saturday. I have raised $800.00 for the NMCCF, WOOOO HOOOO! More to follow after my long run.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

19 and counting

Tonight was an interval training run. I flew threw it like nothing, it felt great. Looking forward to the marathon. I know I will be ok. I rewarded myself with some good frozen yogurt from Love Frozen Yogurt.

Monday, September 27, 2010

20 more days to go

Tonight was a recovery run after my 20 miler this weekend. I am batteling the stomach bug going around, so working out has been hard. I am officially at 765 so now the rest is gravy as I tell Cheyenne. Well more to come as we break in to the teens!!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

22 more

Ok so were almost at the 3 week mark oh boy! Today was a good long run my longest run so far 20.40 miles. I am averaging about 10 min a mile which is my desired pace for the marathon. I burned over 2700 calories this morning and had the best recovery breakfast.....chocolate malt frozen yogurt from Love Frozen Yogurt.... Yummo! Well now starts the slow down to the big run, to make sure I am rested to run!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

24 more days to go!!!!

Tonight was a nice easy recovery night. Nothing to bad at all, the coaching system wanted me to take it easy since Saturday is a 3:25 run. I talked to my dad yesterday and he has put me up over the top on my goal!!!! Thanks dad and thank you to all the people out there who donated to the New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And the beat goes on!

Well we are a whopping 26 days away..................... oh boy!!! Tonight was another interval run but shorter and faster pace. I was able to get another 5 miles in tonight. I am only 45.00 away from my goal!!!! I know I will hit the mark! Well more to follow soon. Tomorrow I think I am taking the night off, I am getting another new tat so I will see how I feel!

Monday, September 20, 2010

27 more and counting

Tonight was a nice interval training night 70 minutes lots of peaks and valleys. Yesterday Cheyenne and I ran a 10k together, I am so very proud of her for finishing in 1:11 a new pr for her she was the only under 17 competitor in the event, and got a medal!!! More to follow as we get closer.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

29 more days and counting

Only 29 more days to go till I reach the finish line of running my first marathon. Today was a nice 12 mile run, where I was joined by my friend Violet. Violet is also running in the Duke City Marathon, she will be running the half distance. I capped off my morning with a big bowl of Chocolate Frozen Yogurt from the bestest frozen yogurt place in town, Love Frozen Yogurt. More to follow after Cheyenne and I run the 10k tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

31 more days!

Tonight was a nice and easy run. Looking forward to my longer run on Saturday. It feels like just yesterday I said hey I will run a marathon and I have over 90 runs to do for training now I'm below 20. Time flies when your having fun. Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

33 to go woot woot!!

Tonight was a good long interval run 53 minutes strong lol. I cant wait to run the marathon I have two tattoos designed for afterward to showcase my heritage and my achievements. I have also been toying with the idea of after running the NY City Marathon (once I apply and get accepted) to train for an ultra but that is not anytime soon. Let me accomplish this goal first lol!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

One step at a time!

Today was my long run a nice 2 hour run did not feel like 2 hours lol. I did not stop at 8:46 am but I did say a prayer for all those lost and there families. I clocked 12.35 miles and burned 1559 calories. Me and the fam are going to Red Robin for lunch and refueling.

Friday, September 10, 2010

37 more OMG!!!!

We aer getting closer and closer........ I moved last nights run to this afternoon. Cheyenne had open house at school and I wanted to be there for her. It was a nice interval run 49 minutes feels real easy now, two years ago i would have laughed at you if you told me I was going to run a marathon lol. Tomorrow will be a short run only two hours should get in 12 miles or so. More to follow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


No not my age thats how many days left till I run lol. Tonight was a good run another interval night increasing speed then slow the increase you get the idea. It feels good to just push hard. I know I need to keep my pace for the long distance and can not bonk out. I was going to wear my fuel belt durring the marathon now im not sure. I know there will be water every 2 miles so should i carry or just refuel? i think I will carry water just incase there not there. LOL.

Monday, September 6, 2010

41 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was a recovery run day. A nice 30 minute easy run to recover from the 16+ mile run on Saturday. Nancy and I did about 90 min of yard work and then I fully detailed my car with Cheyenne. Ready for the week and getting some new ink done on Wednesday to celebrate my family members who have had and survived cancer.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

43 more to go but who is counting!

Well today was my long run day. Headed out about 7:30, and ran 2:55. I was able to squeak in 16.87 miles and burn 2308 calories. Tomorrow is a day in the gym not sure if I just want to sleep in or go push my self to work out. I think I will work out since I wont be able to work out to hard Wednesday after I get my tattoo. I am getting a cool design I made up of 4 awareness ribbons for all the different cancers my family members have had and survived. More to follow

Thursday, September 2, 2010

45 to go

Well tonight was a easy run night just a nice recovery run. Banged it out no problem. Saturday is a nice LONG run day of 2:55 min. I am looking forward to it to get out and just run and run. On the fund raising front I am at 620.00 only 130 more to go not to shabby I am hoping to blow past my goal of 750. I know my dad is sending me a donation I think that will send me over the top. I have a few people at work still wanting to donate so this should be easy.