Sunday, October 17, 2010

Done and in the BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ram my first marathon today I finished in 4 hours 38 minutes and 50 seconds notto shabby for my first one......... Now I start training forthe NYC Marathon!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The training is OVER!

Now the work begins. I have completed about 100 training runs to get ready for the marathon. I know it will be fun and on 10/19/10 Starts the training for the NYCM. I hope I get a lottery draw. I cant wait to go to fit fest on Saturday, the looks on the faces of those at the NMCCF when I give them the 800.00 I raised will be well worth the running on Sunday. To all my friends and family who are supporting me I say thank you to you all!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

5 .......................

Woo hooo................ 5 more days and counting tonight was the last hard run before the marathon. Tomorrow will be a easy night and then a jog on Thursday. Rest on Friday and Saturday before the big run!

Monday, October 11, 2010

6 MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good gravy batman, there are only 6 days left. Tonight was a nice run 50 minutes I can tell my stride is changing the last few weeks. I am running the same speed but my pace is faster so I have to keep slowing down a little. That's a good thing. So after the marathon the next runs will be the Inaugural Great Prostate Cancer Challenge. Then the Vets Day 11k and in December will be the Faralitos Run. As of January 1 I will start training for hopefully the NYC Marathon. Gotta keep my fingers crossed for a lottery drawing for that one. More to follow!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

8 more to go OMG!

Today was my long run day only a 1:55 almost 11.4 miles. Looking forward to the Fit Fest next Saturday and then the run the marathon on Sunday. Going to go have some frozen yogurt in a few................. more to follow.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10 days and counting

Well only 10 more days to go until the first of many big runs lol. I want to run several marathons including the NYC the Chicago and the Marine Corp then I want to do an ultra. Ultra you say..... what is an ultra? An ultra is anywhere from 50 to 100 miles. Nuts I know but just to say I did it lol. More to come.........

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marching on!

12 days to go. Tonight was another interval night. These runs are becoming easier and easier every time. Tomorrow night I will be taking the night off and going to my running club meeting. More to come follow me to the finish!

Monday, October 4, 2010

13 and counting

Were down below 2 weeks. Tonight was a good run night starting the tapper down to the marathon. It was a good run I know I am ready for this and I will make it to the end. After the marathon I need to start the application process for the NY City Marathon next year. It is a lottery system so I will need to keep my fingers crossed. More to follow!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

15 and counting

Only 15 more days and counting. Today was a long run day I ran 13.51 miles in 2:15. Just a few more work outs until the marathon. I am looking forward to running it and accomplishing the distance. More to come as we get closer!